You Give Us Those Nice Bright Colors

comments: 29

Markers2Makes you think all the world's a sunny day, oh, yeah!

Remember this song, "Kodachrome," by Paul Simon? It's something our whole class learned to sing in eighth grade chorus. It, along with "Fifty Nifty United States," is burned into my memory as almost the only song I've ever been able to remember all the words to (though, honestly, if Stevie Nicks's The Wild Heart came on I'm sure I could yodel it out from start to finish, come to think of it -- love you 4-ever, Stevie!!!).

Anyway, these markers came from Andy for my birthday and they sit in the living room because they're so colorful and cheery. My dad was a commercial artist and he always had beautiful markers like these in his office that we were to never, ever touch, and apparently it's that residual fear that's preventing me from touching these, my very own. I think I'm afraid of them. They're so . . . saturated. I'm going to use them today, though, no matter what.

Anyway, yesterday something happened at the post office that I have never, never, in all my hundreds of mornings and afternoons there, seen happen. There were, as usual, twenty of us in line. Two clerks were at their windows. One customer was at the counter with no less than 33 (I counted, as I waited) huge envelopes of what seemed to be books that he stacked and stacked on the counter, chatting merrily throughout. (I know, chatting merrily at the P.O. -- weird!) I was actually third in line, but it was clear we were in for a long wait; I could sense the humanity twitching and sighing heavily behind me. And then, and then -- another clerk came out and opened another window!

Another clerk came out and opened another window. Yes, you heard that correctly. At the S.E. Station, another clerk came out and opened another window. And we all moved merrily along! When Andy came home I told him all about it. He said, "Wow! So you had a great day!" I said, "I know! It was awesome!" See, it really takes so little to make me happy! Really!

Anyway, what I supposed to tell you about today is Crafters Coast to Coast. Remember how last week I mentioned that I made the Pirouette handbags on that show a few years ago? And then the next day, coincidentally, the episode was on? And then yesterday I got an email from the producer saying that they were currently scouting peeps to be on the show in its fifth season. The show is now called That's Clever! and if you live within an hour of Portland, Oregon; Des Moines, Iowa; Boise, Idaho; or Oahu/Big Island, Hawaii, write to Julie Choi, the segment producer, and introduce yourself and she'll send you an application to be on the show.

She's at JChoiATWellerGrossmanDOTcom.

More information about the show is available at the HGTV web site, if you're not familiar with the concept. They basically go around the country profiling different people making cool things in their own studios or homes. It's a lot of fun to do, and you should think about applying, unless you are a glass blower in Portland, because apparently they are fully stocked with glass blowers from Portland. And while we craft-blogging-types have numerous craft-related meltdowns of our own, I think it would be safe to say that they only involve glass if it's holding, say, wine; so write to Julie very soon and see if there is room for you and your art on the show.


50 nifty states. We sang that in 6th grade. I try to sing it now, but I get lost right after Maine. But I do know and love Kodachrome (as I love most Paul Simon-y things). But why speak of this when I could be spending more valuable commenting time on opening another window! Freakish! Anytime I've ever seen one open another window, it's so another one can close and we're back to where we started. Truly, you have witnessed a miracle!

I watch That's Clever! (formerly CCtoC) everyday and while I LOVE the show and love my craft.. I don't think my anxiety would ever actually allow me to be on that show. Maybe someday? Anyway, I hope you're on again with something fabulous (as I'm sure it would be!)PS- LOVE Prismacolors.

Can you find a PO with the self service kiosk? I am usually NOT a fan of giving real jobs to machines, but in this one instance, the pain must stop. Bring in the kiosks!

That's exciting, I hope you get some amazing colors and designs out of those markers. They definitely look worth the cost. I bet your dad is happy you're following in his footsteps. Thiago |

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at
