Where Are You, Lady?

comments: 53

Bridget_2Is anyone else vaguely disturbed by this imploring staredown she's giving me? Eeaahhhh! It reminds me of Ted Knight (Judge Smales) and his loony-eyed gape in Caddyshack going "Well? . . . We're waiting . . ." though somehow not as . . . funny as that. I think she's wondering if I'm ever going to come back to my studio again. Mmm, yeah. I am. Someday.

Thank you to everyone for all your nice comments, especially about the articles that are out right now. There is one about the studio in the winter 2007 issue of Better Homes & Gardens Creative Home (which, yes, is a special-interest publication and separate from the regular BH&G magazine, for those who have asked) and one about our (admittedly a little schmaltzy, but, what can I say, you know we are) brand of domestic romance in Romantic Homes, February 2007. (The article about the rest of the house comes out in the March issue of Romantic Homes.) Welcome to everyone who is here because of those, and thank you for your interest! I haven't actually seen the articles in real-life yet — maybe they'll come in my mail today (and thanks for the scans, those who have sent them to me — really nice of you to do that). My web shop is still officially closed until January 2, which just means I won't be shipping anything until about a week after that. I'll be updating the shop next week, too, though I won't make a big proclamation about it the way I usually do; I'll just be adding things as I can for a while. If you have questions, you might find answers about what I make and how I make it on my shop's FAQ page. Otherwise, thank you for being here. I'm excited (and of course incredibly self-consciously embarrassed) about the articles. I really am pretty shy. I like to pretend these things aren't really happening.

I LOVE VACATION. I love it. I love it. I love it. I think I'm a lazy loafer at heart. I could just laze away here forever, I think. Maybe not. It's been great to recharge, though. I was tiiiii-iiiired. Tired. Weren't you? I'm not much for New Year's Eve. I haven't been out on that night in over ten years, maybe more. I don't enjoy "holidays" where the main activity is people getting totally loaded, I must say. I keep my car firmly parked and barricade myself in the house against all drunk driving. We prefer a good shrimp cocktail and lots of Chinese food on the sofa with a great movie. The question is, what movie? What's a good New Year's Eve movie?


Katie Voight says: December 30, 2006 at 10:10 AM


We're not much for New Year's either. We basically don't observe it at all. I'm thinking that some kind of ritual would be good, though. One of my students was telling me that his family goes to the beach on New Year's Eve and lights a bonfire (in an approved fire-safe container, I hope). I'm sure it's a magical experience.

I'm glad you're enjoying a break. My mom always used to say that you have to "fill up the well" before you can give to people.

Ignore those querying kitty eyes :)

Hi Alicia! Kurt and I will be watching a Marx Brothers double feature (on TCM, I think?), which means that we no longer have to feel like we are staying home because we are too tired to go out (thank you Milo!). We can now say that we are staying home "by choice" to watch some of our favorite movies. And I think the black and white, uber-deco atmosphere of the Marx Bros. is appropriate for the occasion. Happy New Year to you and yours,

One of my favorite movies this time of year is "Love Actually". Love, love, love this film!

OH MY! The magazines are available now? I know what I'm doing today!

Happy New Year! I wish you much happiness and success for this year and well, pretty much here on out. xo

"When Harry Met Sally". Great New Years Eve movie.

happy new year alicia!

Happy New Year Alicia and thanks for sharing your blog. I will be hunting down those magazines next week.

happy new year... enjoy your weekend.

I think for me a good movie to watch is Dances With Wolves in honor of my son who just moved to Bozeman yesterday, not knowing a single sole. Kinda just like Kevin Costner being in the middle of nowhere with nobody, then along comes somebody. I hope that happens for him too.

Can't wait to read your articles. Very exciting!!

The pressure to have FUN, the disappointment, the triple cab fare of new years eve! So glad I'm not the only one staying in by choice. Well, I'm staying in at a friend's house but it's the same idea! Happy New Year x

we are staying in, having a simple dinner, a bit of champagne and a walk down the block to check out my neighbors fire works (they put on a huge show!)...i am on my way out to search high and low for my NYE movie of choice - "Holiday", starring Kate Hepburn (whom i adore) & Cary (suave) Grant.

wish me luck.

Happy New Year!

Our anniversary is New Years Eve. Hubby and I like to watch "The Apartment" with Jack Lemmon. A GREAT New Years movie..one of our faves and c'mon, it's Jack Lemmon!!!
Our anniversary is a nice dinner and lots of movies and staying IN.
Happy New Years

Chris Howard says: December 30, 2006 at 12:51 PM

I find myself lazily loafing and watching "Wives And Daughters" while I cross stitch. God I love the frumpy frowziness of winter, don't you?

I'm not much of a go out on New Year's Eve type person either. My suggestions for New Years Eve viewing are My Man Godfrey, The Thin Man, or Topper. Those movies are just so dapper and fun- it makes you feel like you've been out partying 1930's style!

Happy New Year sweet Miss A.!

I can't wait to see what you come up with next year!

Casablanca I say is always good for New Year's flick. I think this year I may be in the mood for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Princess Bride or Monty Python are other good choices as well.

As a child our tradition while my parents were at parties -- I spent the night at Grandma's with cousins. Nellie would make a yummy dinner (I only remember her mashed potatoes -- yum!). Our local network always aired Wizard of Oz, and we watched intently while munching on Nellie's fabulous date pinwheel cookies (triple yum!). At midnight we got all her pots and pans, went outside and banged as much as we could. She was a good grandma. She's 95 now... I wonder if she still remembers how much fun we had.

Have fun! Happy New Year Alicia & Andy!

I was going to say Harry met Sally but someone beat me to it. :)

How about While You Were Sleeping? Or an oldie.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all...I too will be at home. What better place to be when reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the next one.!!

Your new year's plans sound similar to ours. I'm making tuna steaks and planting my bottom on the couch for the whole night. I hope you have a Happy New Year!

p.s the kitty stare down is hilarious : )

Hmmm, NewYear's around here is a reason to stay home with the hubby and the cats. we get a bottle of champagne and make cheese fondue. BTW my kitty does the same thing!

I cocktail waitressed my last two years of college and new year's eve was absolutely the worst night of the year. It was so depressing to see people come in looking great - all dressed up and excited and by the end of the evening (or sooner) they would look like hell, be angry and aggressive, making fools of themselves. I was never much of a drinker and that experience certainly convinced me I didn't want to become one. I've rarely gone out on new years since then and my favorite way to spend it is at home as far from the action as possible. This year I'm going to make a Pissiladiere and maybe some regular pizza for my son and watch the Foyle's War DVDs that came for Christmas.

i feel the same way about new year's... love the quiet movie at home! i think this year might be a soprano's marathon, though...

Happy New Year Alicia!
My husband just came back with our video roster for New Year's: 'Sabrina', 'The Notebook', 'Something's Gotta Give', 'Spanglish' and 'The Family Stone'. Together we will cook a Thai eggplant dish, have some wine and curl up with the cats. I too think it is best to be present for the ending of the year and the beginning of another one. I found your blog last year around June and have been reading it forwards and backwards. Almost finished. I have been so touched and inspired by so many things in your life - you and Andy's courage to face adversity and to choose a creative, original lifestyle, your work and your talent but most of all the enormous quanitity of love that flows between the two of you and in and out of the home you create. You are doing such of fine job of being your selves and making a live that honors what is truly important in life. So after just about a year I have spend "with" you on your journey, my response is an enthusiastic heart-stand ovation! Bravo!! you two!!

I agree with the person who recommended the Thin Man movies - there are about 5 of them I think, so it makes a good few hours of witty chat and watching someone else drink and wear stunning evening clothes and solve mysteries while you lounge in your pj's and eat popcorn. Much happiness and luck to you and your family in 2007!

hubby and i watched Holiday Inn the other night. i'd never seen it! not to be missed.

oooh, when Harry Met Sally is a good one! We are going to settle in with some friends and snacks and play games. Are we too old to play "spoons"? I played it this weekend with some high school kids and remembered how fun it is!

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
