Happy Santa Lucia Day!

comments: 33


Oh, aren't they sweet? All the girls in their white dresses, celebrating the light? I'm so charmed by them all!

These are just some of the photos that have been submitted to the Santa Lucia Clothespin Doll group on Flickr. Please go over and look at the amazing job that everyone is doing on the dolls! From petticoats to painted stands, every single one is unique and adorable!

Thank you again for ordering these and for sharing them with me and all of us. I have loved getting your emails about what it was like to make them with your families, and spend some quiet, sweet, simple afternoons being a kid again with a paintbrush in one hand and a hot chocolate in the other, music playing, and a puppers sleeping under the table. (You wouldn't believe how many people have written and told me about their dogs sleeping under the tables while they worked on these! How cute is that!) I am so very pleased that you are enjoying the kits. It's really the best Christmas present I could've gotten this year. Thank you. It really means a lot to me to see all of these, so thank you for sharing them.

If you've made some dolls, please take some photos and join the group! You can click the button in the sidebar at upper right to see the slideshow or join the group, and I'll try to send out invitations to everyone who ordered a kit, too. You need not have gotten a kit to join, though — even if you just made some on your own, you are very welcome to join!

Happy Santa Lucia Day! I wish you light and love!

*1. St Lucia dolls, 2. close up finished doll, 3. IMG_1715, 4. IMG_1701, 5. IMG_1683, 6. IMG_6111, 7. Santa Lucia Dolls, 8. Santa Lucia Dolls Under The Tree, 9. Lucia Dolls 2, 10. Santa Lucia Dolls, 11. Feeding the poor.............., 12. Saint Lucia Dolls, 13. St. Lucia Dolls, 14. St. Lucia Dolls, 15. St. Lucia Dolls, 16. Dec_07 025-1, 17. Santa Lucia Dolls, 18. Lovely Lucias, 19. Santa Lucia Dolls, 20. Santa Lucia Dolls, 21. St. Lucia Dolls, 22. St. Lucia Dolls, 23. December 13, 24. Santa Lucia, closeup, 25. IMG_1720


I love seeing all their frilly fluffy dresses and beatific expressions! Adorable!

Also, I don't know if you're planning to hit Crafty Wonderland this weekend, but there's going to be some awesome crafters there. I heard Dustpan Alley is coming with her super-cool "peace" aprons! They're so cute, I think you would like them.

~Angela :-)

Katrins (4 years) keep calling them Hallelujah girls but is in love with them all the same. I just overheard "them" (the dolls) talking about getting their makeup on before the candle ball. Whoever is ready first gets to wear the wreath.

Happy Lucia to you and all your little Lucia maids all around the world. I wich I had made some too! :-)

Thanks again for making such a wonderful craft for us! I really enjoyed doing this! I definitely think next year we'll have to make some saffron buns and coffee to celebrate the day! I'm glad we'll have our little dolls as part of our traditional Christmas decor now!

happy santa lucia day to you too! thanks for sharing all the cute dolls. :)

delurking to share a brownie recipe! i read your 'salty brownie' comments and had to share this. it's salty and gooey/fudgy and EASY to make. easssy. you'll love it... my husb and i do!


The dolls are wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Happy St. Lucia Day to you, Andy, and Miss Clover Meadow.

happy santa lucia day! thanks for such a pretty project alicia, which will now be a featured part of our holiday decorations! it was a nice project that could actually be completed. the photos look so cute together.

Oh, you just reminded me that I still have to finish #5. They all turned out so cute, but #5 is missing her dress! Oh, poor thing. xo

they turned out so beautifully! i love seeing everyone's take on this.

i'm a sorry lagger and have just uploaded my photos to the group! i just couldn't finish them last night.

thank you for the fun! i'll keep them always. xo

Oh, they are so great. It's so nice to see everyone else's! I have mind done, and I just don't know about the photo quality, but I might try to put up a pic.
The dolls are snug as bugs in a rug on their way to Mom, who inadvertantly ended up in the hospital this week. I hope there are nurses as nice as Andy taking care of her. I think the dolls will cheer her room up. She used to dress up as Santa Lucia and come into my classroom when I was in grade school, bring the Swedish buns, and the lights would be out, the music playing, and all the 4th graders oh so silent (for once). She would even have candles lit in her crown (bring back the carefree days of the 70's- oh our "devil may care" using live fire!). Such great memories- I hope they help her!

Hello Alicia -
This is completely unrelated to your post - but I just saw this video linked from Dooce.com. It's this beautiful little japanese film about owning a dog and it made me think of you and how much you loved Audrey. It will probably make you cry so be careful!

Happy Santa Lucia Day!

Oh! Look at all the cuteness! So charming everybody. Thank you Alicia for making the darling kits for us and everyone for sharing with us their precious little ladies.

I got felled by some nasty no-good bug and ended up with bronchitis and am just beginning to feel like I might live (after two and a half weeks of the icks) - so I haven't been able to make my little dollies yet. WAH!

& now I'm craving a brownie and some Mexican Hot Chocolate. I wish there were a Christmas Elf TLC & Snack Delivery Service for us sicky-pants people. :)

Oh! Somewhere recently I saw a recipe for a salty brownie too??? I think it may have a been a link on Tastespotting? Sounded mega yum yum!

OH - they are all so cute and lovely. i wish i could have made some, too... but maybe next year?! thank you for sharing this nice & creative idea with all of us!!

greetings from germany, nicola

OH - they are all so cute and lovely. i wish i could have made some, too... but maybe next year?! thank you for sharing this nice & creative idea with all of us!!

greetings from germany, nicola

Happy Santa Lucia Day to you!!

I have really enjoyed every part of this! From the gorgeous package arriving to making the girls (with flair)!

The Flickr group is such a nice bonus! I love getting to see everyone's!

I really should not have posted my picture during the time I was reading about Saints! As you can tell my babies turned into Saint Lucia girls! Yep, I titled them wrong, haha!

I just want to say Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

Shame on me, I didn't know it was Santa Lucia day, and my daughter is a Lucy!
The dolls are really sweet!

Well I did get the Santa Lucia girls done, but cannot get a decent shot with the new camera! Also made the saffron buns from A Swedish Table and they came out great! yay for all the little Lucia lights! and thank you Alicia for the excellent instructions - I will attempt my bad photography again...

You are making the world a better place, one Santa Lucia Doll at a time!


For some reason every time I look at the photos of those little dolls, they remind me of whirling dervishes. I would be fun if they twirled on little mirrors, like skaters, or whirling dervishes!

So fun...thanks again for making the kits!

They are all so beautiful--what a wonderful Santa Lucia celebration.

That was fun to see all the adorable dolls on your flickr site!

It's amazing to see all of these and nice to see something of a resurgence in folk art type artistry (even if not necessarily my own artistic aesthetic). I think it reminds me of being a kid and my mom got on a kick making various clothespin dolls around the holidays. Very heartwarming. :)

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
