Rainy-Days Dog

comments: 76


It's been raining for four days, maybe more, I forget. My memory is only a moment or two long. Unless it's for something I'm not supposed to do that I like to do, like chew the edge of the back door when I'm outside. I always remember to do that.


No snow, just lots and lots of rain. Lots and lots of rain. I hate going outside now.


I've played with every one of my dozens of toys a bobillion times.


I wish puppies could crochet. Then I'd be psyched to stay in, like mommy.


I can't believe how much she's grown in the past two months. The couch and blanket have stayed the same.


Those ears!!

Yippeee! Clover pictures! I know I'm not the only one who's been waiting.

Angie Ricci says: December 03, 2007 at 10:56 AM

I always look forward to Clover pictures! She is getting so big and she is always so beautiful!

Thank you!!

Bobbie Duran says: December 03, 2007 at 10:57 AM

I love her!

Thank You! I needed that today!

She's getting so big! She's really starting to resemble a dog...crazy. I love the one with toy in mouth. SO cute!

I think the last one might be my favorite..Soo cute!!

Thank you for the Clover Meadow photos! She is getting so big! And soooo pretty too.

she's such a cute girl! I feel the same way about the rain Clover Meadow....

Clover Meadow! You are getting to be such a big girl! :)

We were hurting for Clover photos. My how she has grown. I get a kick out of the cute short little legs. I believe you are growing in to the ears and paws. Not a babe any more. The sweet innocent look is maturing. Lucky you...the hard headed teens. We still think it is so funny that she was tossed in jail during the shooting. Don't worry baby! We will send a hack saw in a chewie bone. XOXO

Clover pics bring a little sunshine to this very wet day. Our dog doesn't want to go out in the rain either, in fact she refuses to go out in the yard on her own. She seems to think if I have to go out in that rain you have to come with me, so we donned our raingear numerous times this weekend. And it just keeps coming down...

OMG!!! She has gotten HUGE!!!! She is still such a doll, though!!!

Oh-such a cutie. I have always wanted a corgi. It's amazing how fast the little puppers has grown! May you have a project filled, not too gloomy rainy day.


Did you make that felt toy? Too cute!

Darling Miss Clover. Such expressive ears!

Oh yes... I completely understand...going outside in the rain is the worst! I think you look quite content snuggled up on that afghan... your mom sure does crochet beautifully!
Hope the weather clears up soon...

Your beagle friends from Nebraska...Chloe' and Lucy
xoxoxo puppy dog smooches!

What a cutie! And I feel the same way about rain, Clover!

I love her ears, they make her look very intelligent!

Ohmygosh so sweet!! I think we were all missing some clover!
And, just since I didn't read for a few days, I had to let you know, yes- they DO still deliver milk, as my Nephews in Seattle will inform you- and NO OTHER MILK will do! http://www.smithbrothersfarms.com/del_products.html
They are too young to know that when they go over to other peoples houses, you really shouldn't tell them that their milk is awful. At least they do it kinda politely- "No, Thank you, that milk is icky". I don't know if there is delivery in Portland, but I bet there is! My sister also orders her eggs and yogurt and cheese. It all comes to her front door once a week, where the delivery guy puts it in a cooler that sits on their front porch. How lovely!

Totally with you on the rain..........same here (I've been on the sofa for 2 days, but she's promised me a long walk tomorrow rain or shine)...

Harry the lurcher x

Totally with you on the rain..........same here (I've been on the sofa for 2 days, but she's promised me a long walk tomorrow rain or shine)...

Harry the lurcher x

Totally with you on the rain..........same here (I've been on the sofa for 2 days, but she's promised me a long walk tomorrow rain or shine)...

Harry the lurcher x

Totally with you on the rain..........same here (I've been on the sofa for 2 days, but she's promised me a long walk tomorrow rain or shine)...

Harry the lurcher x

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
