The pictures of snow in the Midwest and on the East Coast on the news this morning are amazing. They're saying a blizzard is coming to New England on Saturday night.
If I have a quiet moment this weekend, I'm going to reread James Joyce's "The Dead," the most evanescent of stories in his collection of portraits of turn-of-the-century Irish life, Dubliners. I don't really want to say anything about it, in case you haven't read it yet. I couldn't possibly do it justice, anyway.
I would recommend reading it under blankets, by candlelight, though. And if it's snowing where you are, even better. You'll see what I mean.
*Thank you, Christine, for the link to the story on-line.
Yes ... we on the East Coast are bracing for whatever it is that's coming our way. The weather has been so weird lately that we never know from day to day anymore.
Beautiful picture ... makes me want to sit and just stare out the window. xxoo
I'm waiting for a nice, soft snowfall because we've had nothing but wet snow and ice. If you get a chance also read "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote. It's a poignant story written through the eyes of a young Capote. Then see if you can find a copy of the Hallmark made-for-TV movie with the same name, starring Geraldine Page as the quirky housekeeper. I can still here her saying, "It's fruitcake weather."
I know exactly what you mean about that story! I often think of it when I watch the snowflakes coming down from the sky here in Maine.Thanks for your blog--it comforts me whenever I read it...Blessings, Ann
We did have a beautiful snowstorm last night in North Central Massachusetts. About 10" of powdery, fluffy snow. I woke up this morning to deer tracks all over the lawn and saw two deer hopping through the marsh behind our house. It couldn't be more picturesque! I like the idea of cuddling up under a quilt with James Joyce. May have to go to the library this weekend (otherwise I'll be re-reading Portrait of the Artist...)
Oooh......I never read The Dead, but I saw the movie with Angelica Huston et al. I've seen it at least 4 times. What an evocative period piece, and the ending is SO POWERFUL ! Makes me cry every time.
Enjoy your sub-blankie cozy time :)
i love that story so much. i used to have the last paragraph taped over my typewriter (yes, typewriter) when i was in school. i still read it occasionally and it has never ever lost its beauty or resonance.
I'm delurking to echo my praise for "The Dead" (as well as Capote's "A Christmas Memory", suggested by a wise commenter. Here are links to both stories online--free! Enjoy. Thanks for a blog that consistently reminds me to stop and breath and realize that beauty is all around us.
Joyce link:
Capote link:
I do see what you mean. It is the most beautiful ending, and I remember it everytime it snows, I feel the whiteness covers all sorts of shortcomings, regret, and mistakes and leaves only a clean, soft beginning.
I got a cute (and jealousy-bubbling) text message from my mum is Connecticut the other day, saying that they got 8-12 inches of snow and she went snowshoeing ... I MISS SNOW!
thank you! i needed a good book recommendation for christmas break. any excuse to be under blankets with a cup of tea... we not only have snow in the upper midwest but nasty cold!
Ah, that's a great story for snowy weather. I just picked up David Sedaris' "SantaLand Diaries" again. Always good for a holiday snicker.
I began reading your blog several months ago when I clicked on a link from a blog of a friend of mine. It was right after Audrey had passed away. I cried so much when I read that and I went back in time to see who Audrey was. When I found that it was your beautiful dog I really began to cry. I own two dogs a Chihuahua, Lucy, 7 years old and a mini Dachshund, Buddy, 1 year old. I have been married for 26 years and I have no children. These pets are just like my babies. So, when I hear of other pets I am touched. Then when you posted the pictures of Clover (most adorable pictures of a dog I have ever seen) I kept looking every day to see what would be next. I couldn't wait to see more pictures of her. I am so happy that you were able to find a dog that you felt happy with and give it a home.
Anyway, your writing and your photographs are so wonderful. I just had to read more. I went as far back in the archives as I could and began to read from there. I have finally caught up to the present time and it was a journey that was well worth the trip.
Today is the first time I have posted any comments. I have read many comments made by others. They too feel that you have wonderful ideas, an eye for beauty and way to word it that is just inspiring.
So, I felt like it was time for me to share my thoughts with you as well. I know you don't know me and may never meet me and what I have to say may not even matter to you. But I have been so inspired and found such joy and peace from reading your blog that I felt you should know. I had never read a blog until my friend started hers and told me to look at it. She has several links to her favorite blogs. I have looked at some of the others but yours was the only one that I felt I had to read everyday. It is something I do every morning when I get to work. I check my email and look at your blog.
I admire the way you and Andy are with each other. My husband and I are really close. It is nice to have such a great friend as a husband and I know you feel the same way.
The picture that you have posted here is beautiful. I have never read the book that you mention but I am sure that it is good.
And once again for all the joy and peace and inspiration that you have given me (all of us who read your blog) Thank You so much. I hope that somewhere along the way that you can find that same gift in what you do. And I feel that maybe you have by knowing that you have given it to others.
I'm so glad you've shared this recommendation with your readers, and I have to agree with you and the previous commenters that this story and the film are amazing. Just yesterday, I screened John Huston's film version of The Dead for my college literature students. Even these hard-to-please 18-year-old art students loved it! The video can be very hard to find, and it's not available on DVD, but Joyce's collection is everywhere and makes ideal winter reading.
I have never read the story, but I fully intend to now. Thank you!
I've never read it but I just downloaded it to my Kindle, once I finish the Amber Spyglass I'll give it a go, thanks for the rec!
I'm embarrassed to say I've never read any Joyce, I always felt intimidated and not up to the task. Thanks so much for the link, I'll try to go rectify it now. :)
I'm so glad that "A Christmas Memory" was mentioned. I think it's my favorite short story ever. And it's also one of my favorite television productions with the wonderful Geraldine Page. So charming. I was thrilled to see they have it listed to be shown on the Hallmark channel on Christmas morning. Yippie!
Well, my, yes we did have a little bit of a snowfall here in Massachusetts yesterday. It was mostly a light and fluffy one. Very pretty while decorating the tree, but nerve wracking when my daughter had to drive to school today. Ack! All those pretty pictures in your mind of Christmas songs playing while you make cookies and drink cocoa while the fire is blazing, BAM go right out of your mind when your kid drives off into the snow.....Whew, I'm switching back to the warm fuzzy picture again. Enjoy your book under the covers, in front of the fire with cocoa for me will ya? ; )
We're in Ohio and haven't gotten any snow yet... but tomorrow they're calling for a few inches, which is really exciting! I'm all prepared with brownies, hot chocolate/tea, and my crafting :)
There are many happy skiers making their way to Vermont this weekend... and we welcome them all!
ooh, I might have to take you up on that (though there's nary a flake in sight, nor will there be). I just finished Ulysses for the second time this year. Yes, this year. Two classes, back to back. Fantastically fabuloso. I was carrying a sweet potato in a plastic bag in my pocket for breakfast today, and all morning I was thinking, "I am the spiritual offspring of Henry Flower, Esq."
That will be my next read, Thanks!!
oooh - yes - love James Joyce and The Dead is my favourite along with Araby.
Have fun curled up and reading.
ooooo-! Y E S
Hi - I am always glad to read your blog and see what you've been crocheting lately - (I am just about to embark on my first project with yarn that I HAVE SPUN!) Your blog is a welcome change from knit, knit, knit (which it do "knot" know how to do)
Anyhow, I thought that, being a "fiber person" you might like to know about the On Line Benefit Auction to support the Black Sheep Creamery in Adna WA that was devistated in the recent floods. Check out my blog for more info and the link - Thanks. T.
We were the lucky recipients of a TON of snow friday...hoping for more today! Yippee!! And thanks for the book idea...It is perfect reading weather and I'm hoping things will quiet waaaaay down after the holidays. :o)