Polly Beret

comments: 77


If you have your own mannequin head (you don't?), you are frequently inspired to think about hats, for obvious reasons. Whenever I see someone wearing a beret, it always makes me wonder where they're going. Field trip to the Art Institute? Pennywhistle lessons? Ice-cream social? Beret-wearers have a certain insouciance that I admire.

I've been wanting to make a simple crocheted beret for a while and this one that I made over the weekend is pretty much exactly what I was going for. Needless to say, that's a miracle. The yarn is Suri Merino in this woodsy, heathery green. They say it's a worsted weight but it seemed a little lighter than that to me? Probably just me. Anyway, it's beautiful yarn. Nevertheless, I'm remaking it in DK as I fuss with the pattern (and thank you to the people who have already written and offered to test this — I'll finish the pattern today or this weekend and pass it along to you) because I am just loving the cashmere-blend DKs out there right now and can't stop using them. Thank you, manufacturers, for making more of these for us! Good on ya.

Coooold out again! Snow, I will still take you, if you'd oblige, especially for the weekend. It's not supposed to snow, according to the forecast, but if you see a girl wearing this beret pretending to catch snowflakes on her mittens while walking the dog, that's just me.


oh, what fun, posie-girl....you did it again......I need to take crochet lessons from ya.....any spare time this weekend....teehee~

It is a very, VERY snowy day here. The wind was so strong last night that I was afraid the roof would blow off. So here I am, snowed in...so Canadian of me, and you just warmed my home again. Perfect day to learn some crochet!

It is a very, VERY snowy day here. The wind was so strong last night that I was afraid the roof would blow off. So here I am, snowed in...so Canadian of me, and you just warmed my home again. Perfect day to learn some crochet!


To me, this is the Perfect Beret. I love that classic beret shape and the little loop at the top. It's just so sweet - and I know what you mean about beret-wearers. I always feel as though they should be wearing a smart tweed skirt and riding a bicycle!

If you need any more testers, I would be happy to have a go - but if not, that's fine, and I shall await its appearance on your pattern page (as I guess that's where it'll end up!).

Such an adorable beret! I am reminded of the red one I have which is quite similar, except it has sort of a pompon on top. It was given to me when I was about 13 from an old family friend when we were staying at Lake Tahoe. I still love it, because she made it. I've kept everything handmade that was given to me - all the more precious since I don't know how to knit or crochet. I surely admire the handiwork of all the women like you, who do!

i do have my own personal mannequin head. her name is Lucy and she came to live with me in order to be my photography assistant. you have given me the idea of posting some family photos of her and i together wearing hats on my 365 day blog... off i go!

Congrats on the article and spread in the latest Hallmark mag! It arrived yesterday and for once, I had a chance to look at it right away. Very nice and inspiring!!

Congrats on the article and spread in the latest Hallmark mag! It arrived yesterday and for once, I had a chance to look at it right away. Very nice and inspiring!!

i love beret's and that one looks so soft and comfy!

What a beautiful mannequin head! Much prettier than the styrofoam things I've seen around. If I had that lying around I'd be inspired to think about hats too!

(The hat is beautiful too!)

Alicia, you are too cute for words... as in the way you write and tell a story. Don't want you to think that I think that is you wearing that darling beret... although she's cute too... but you are much cuter.
Anyhoo, as always, you make me smile and wish we were best friends.

Cute, cute, cute..I love it!

If you still need testers I can do that for you

Wow! This is almost spooky!

Over the past couple of weeks I've been searching eBay and all over the Web for a vintage style manniquin head. I've also been looking for a beret to wear/make and just signed up for a class to make one.

And like a wee birdie who took the train up from SF to Seattle to plant the idea in your head--voila your post!

Thanks for the nice slice of synchonicity to go along with my coffee this Friday morning.

Hurrah for Alicia!

I love that beret
and that mannequin head
I've been eyeing those for a long time
I'm a beret wearer at times...it always feels a bit romantic
have a nice weekend

I totally agree that the Suri Merino (from Plymouth, right?) is lighter than worsted. For me it works up like a DK.

Love the beret!

Just read your feature in Hallmark magazine this morning...it's really great! Your blog is a joy...thanks!

That's a beautiful hat. I want me a mannequin head.

is it weird that i do those things..?
i bought a pennywhistle when i went to ireland last spring.
im planning a very small ice cream social...

i have two fabulous berets
one is royal blue angora.
the other on has a bill but i refuse to wear it with the bill showing so it can look as much beret like as possible.

I placed a link to your post today on my 365 day blog after hanging up a portrait of me & my Lucy head. You are a delight Alicia!

Since you have not (as far as I know) mentioned it on the blog, I've been wondering if you know that your home and self are prominently featured in a new book, Vintage Vavoom: Romantic Decorating with One-of-a-Kind Finds, by the editors of Romantic Homes Magazine, 2007. Having been a devoted reader of your blog for about a year now, I was very happy to stumble on a copy while browsing the crafts section at the Strand Bookstore in New York City, where I live (NYC's version of Powell's in Portland). By the way, I have just downloaded the Cecily and Mardi crochet patterns, and I am looking forward to making them.

The beret would be perfect for my artist daughter, would love to buy the pattern. And you may have all of our snow :)


Melissa C. says: January 18, 2008 at 11:03 AM

Ooh, I love the beret! Very cute, and the color is great, too. The loop on top is a nice touch. :)

Your mannequin head is tres chic, non? Like a 1930's starlet who could be in a Thin Man movie.

1. We had a decent snow the other night, but it vanished the next day because of a stupid 3º difference in temperature!

2. Reading your blog almost makes me late for things, because I cannot tear myself away.

3. Do you like the magazine Blueprint? I think it's somewhat similar to Domino, but I am infatuated with it. I want to tear out the pages to use the wonderful images for collage and whatnot, but I cannot bear to do it. They have to stay intact, so that i can fawn over them periodically.

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
