Minty Slow Down

comments: 52


June, where are you going? It's already the second half of June. I found these pictures in my May folder, from Memorial Day weekend when we rode bikes down to the Multnomah County Fair at Oaks Park, and it seems so long ago already, though it was only a few weeks. It's sort of a weird fair — mostly people selling vinyl siding and window replacements, but there were rides, a few early fruits, flowers, and veggies, and the Oregon dairywomen's ice-cream booth. I think this picture is sort of hilarious, myself. What a good sport.


Whew, I am pooped! I'm almost done with the things I am committed to finishing by deadline. Then I will clean the studio, which is completely trashed. I really wanted to do something just for fun, for me — I bought fabric to make a couple of summer dresses and I have an idea for a few A-line reversable wrap skirts. I even washed, dryed, and ironed my fabrics last night. And then, contemplating pattern layouts, I fell into a heap on the bed and started snoring, straight on 'til morning. There is something very relaxing about ironing, I must say.


I love this photo. This was a little flowers-in-teacups display at the fair. It's just sweet. I love the mint green. I'm going to slow the pace down a bit today, and play catch up. Answer emails for once. Sit in my yard with the laptop for a bit, if the sun comes out. Make iced tea. Maybe go buy some new clogs, for the wrap skirts. Turn down the volume. Pacing, pacing. I'll get there.


That fair sounds like fun :o) I like the idea of getting ribbons for things you make and display... your post made me hungry for minty chocolates... those are my favorites. But I guess I should be hungry for a real breakfast instead. I think think I'm going to make my eggs now. I hope the sun does decide to come out!! Have a great day!
xox, Linnea

Oh Alica. That last photo is fantastic. I know what you mean... time is streaking by this summer.

I love those teacups. How sweet. I've never been to Oak's Park. They've been soliciting me to hold the Oregon Regency Society Ball at their Pavilion; but the whole place sort of looks like it ranks high on the fromage factor.

Oh gosh, I am there too. Summer is flying by so fast. Too fast. I feel as if I am forever trying to play catch up and never really get caught up. I want my lazy days of summer back, you know, the ones from when you were about 15 and you thought there was NOTHING to do. Yea. I want those back.

Slowing down - WHAT a concept! I am going to cue off of you and tend to some "weeding" of things around here as well. Thanks for a reminder to do something that seems so "duh" - sometimes I think we are all just TOO busy!

HeidiAnn says: June 18, 2008 at 09:31 AM

Sounds good to slow down - and iced tea - and a yummy ice cream cone. Sounds REALLY good - all of it.

Oh I so agree with you. June is slipping away so quickly. I love the last photo. I want little flowers in pretty teacups.

You've got plenty of time - it's not even summer yet! Go outside and enjoy the last few days of spring.

Love the mini-teacups. Cat ^..^

Nita in South Carolina says: June 18, 2008 at 10:02 AM

Yes, summer IS flying by! My 'summer goals' were to (1) read a LOT and (2) expand my repetoire of vegetables I cook/eat. Proud to say that I'm fulfilling both. Guess success is easy when the bar is low :)

Hello! I've been following your blog for quite some time now, and I just want to say that I love it! I think I have a lot of interests in common with yours (crocheting, sewing, cooking, handmade goodness, puppy dogs) but I'm a grad student, so I don't always have time for them all. So in a way I can dream about it through your blog. And, gorgeous photography. :) -Anjuli

I love visiting your blog and getting to see parts of my Oregon that I never have. Thanks Alicia, you inspire me to get out and look around with fresh eyes. x

That looks a little like the fairs that we get here in Britain, flower judging and so on. I went to one just recently.


nice shots. i love summer, and your blog entries always seem to hit it right on the head. love it. i think i'll make some summer clothes too, brilliant idea.

Hey A!

On my trip to Portland back in April my friends brought me to Oaks Park and I was... a little afraid. The whole time I was there I kept waiting for some gruesome clowns to come stagerring out of the empty buildings there. There was definitely an eerie feeling all around. I took lots of photos there and got some pretty decent shots. There were only 2 workers there, at least that I could see, and they were in the skating rink area - I guess there was a class going on. And while I was there I experienced deja-vu very strongly. So, I feel ya there on the 'odd' experience.

You can see what I am talking about at this link:

Enjoy your day. Love the photo of Ms. Clover at the computer. Such a cutie girl.

you are such a good influence...always reminding me to slow down a little. put aside a little time to make some memories...

I did the A-line wrap skirt thing last summer (not reversible though) and still LOVE wearing them this summer. FUN and feminine and comfy and cool! Have you seen the book "Sew What! Skirts" by Francesca Denhartog and Carloe Ann Camp? It is a make your own custom skirt patterns book and you would probably be super creative with it. Back to my knitting....

Your photos are always so relaxing.
If you figure out those skirts, let us know! It would be so cool to design some fabric on Spoonflower and make A line skirts- that's what I've been dreaming about lately for Xmas gifts. That way when Spring comes the skirts are ironed and hung and ready for wear!(um, if we get Spring next year? Where did our poor PDX sunshine go?).

Gorgeous flowers! Bleeding hearts and columbine are some of my favorites. If I lived near you I'd definitely be one of the tea cup flower ladies. :-)

I'd love a pattern recommendation from you for an wrap skirt...I've got so much fabric that doesn't seem to cut itself up and make itself into quilts, so perhaps I'd have more luck with a skirt...but I never make clothing. ..which pattern do you like to use? ta,

oh gosh, the pacing. i know, such a challenge isn't it? i was just in portland last week for the second time ever. i'm smitten with that city. and i love that icecream photo at the top of your link. adorable!

I love the last photo! So sweet. I have a thing for teacups and flowers.....

Beautiful colors in your photos - Everything is just so so so pretty! Even Andy! (sorry, dude!)

Wow looks great. Wish I could visit there.

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at
