What I Did with the Eggs

comments: 50

First, I made Ina's Apple Cake Tatin:


I'd made it once before, and I know I liked it then, but I didn't like it this time. I don't know why, I just didn't like it. I'm fickle like that. I even put whipped cream on it but I still didn't like it. Oh well. What's next.


Hard-boiled eggs. Thank you for all of the eggy suggestions the other day! There were so many delicious-sounding suggestions, but Lauren's, for pan-seared deviled eggs, was so intriguing I had to try it. I love deviled eggs. If deviled eggs are at the party, there will be trouble, as I will stand next to the hors d'oeuvre table and sneak deviled eggs until they're gone. And then I'll go home. This will happen with crab cakes, too. Those mini-crab cakes they sometimes serve at weddings. I will risk embarrassing myself for crab cakes, no problem. I don't care. Let me at 'em. Apparently, there are some people who do not like deviled eggs, but I think that's one of those crazy stories people tell you just to make you think the world is falling apart because it cannot be true.


These are Pan-Crisped Deviled Eggs on French Lettuces (or just "some kind of greens," in our case) from Lynn Rossetto Kasper's (of NPR's The Splendid Table) book How to Eat Supper: Recipes, Stories, and Opinions from Public Radio's Award-Winning Food Show. The recipe can be found in the right-hand column of this article about the book. I must tell you that they were amazing. After filling the little devils, you fry them up in a bit of olive oil (extra light for me — and if you use a non-stick pan, you can go with just one tablespoon of it, instead of the two to three she calls for, I would say). You mix the remaining filling with a little more mustard, oil, and vinegar, and toss that dressing with the greens. We had some French bread that I decided not to toast and just to butter. And all of this for Saturday lunch was really delicious. I might warn you against sampling any of the deviled eggs before they have been pan seared — a few of these really seemed to go a long way, taste-wise. So this was the first time in my life I 1) sat down while eating deviled eggs and 2) left the remaining ones for someone else. Who hadn't eaten four of them while preparing the lunch.


What can I say. They were halved, you know?


Oh yum! That looks like something I'll have to put on this week's menu for sure! :o)
Thanks for the inspiration. Oh - and I've been known to make a fool of myself over seven layer bars. Ha, ha!

Mary Ann/ca says: September 02, 2008 at 09:26 AM

Wow, I love deviled eggs and this is a way to really put them over the top! For me, I usually make a fool of myself over big fat jumbo shrimp...with a spicy cocktail sauce to set them off perfectly.

I love taking something simple like that and making a meal out of it. Who would think pan fried deviled eggs, its a first.

I must say, I am one of those oddities that does not like deviled eggs.

I'm not a huge fan of eggs to begin with (though I'm getting better) but serve them to me cold, and there's no way I'll be within 10 feet of them.

Crab cakes, on the other hand… I just might kill for those.

I didn't like Ina's Apple cake either. It was odd.... But I thought it was better cold the next day.

You've got me salivating. I think I could live on deviled eggs. I will lick the mixing bowl after I make the filling. Yum.

i love deviled eggs and just had some yesterday. must try the pan seared recipe. yum!!

I will have to try these, for I adore deviled eggs. Yummy!

people tell you they don't like the canapes so that you let your guard drop and just when you relax and turn from the table they'll whisk the whole tray away! Beware! t.xxx

When our first eggs come (and I hope it's soon) I will seek your advice and share the results... you radiate inspiration, even when you feel fickle!

I love deviled eggs! I can't believe I never even heard of them growing up in Mexico, it was only until my husband's mom made them, I tried them about 4 years ago.

I love deviled eggs, too! Those look wonderful.

That is interesting about the apple cake, I too have had food fantasies only to make the dish again and I am not thrilled with it. Food memories are fickle indeed!

Oh and just a side note, thank you so much for talking about "Wives and Daughters" that is now one of my all time favorite movies. It is such an sweet story.

*sigh* I don't get a choice in the matter. Egg allergy. These look SO delicious...

but crab cakes, I'm right there with you. Even if a little egg is in 'em as a binder, it's ok, I'll risk it. Have you tried the ones in the frozen section at Trader Joe's? Man, I could eat those for dinner every night for a week!

uh-oh, starting to salivate and it isn't even lunch time...

Pan Fried deviled eggs - Oh My you are an evil temptress. I'll have to settle for organics as I don't have any as lovely as yours, but I think I can find local eggs at the healthfood store later this week. It's like comfort food X-Treme - like last week when I took my friend homemade mac & 4 cheeses - with bacon on top - it was divine if I do say so myself.

Oh yum - now I'm going to be dreaming about those eggs for the rest of the week - delicious dreams indeed!

I love deviled eggs, too. And crabcakes. And....well, there's not much I don't like.

I have never heard of pan seared eggs, so I'll have to give that a try.

mmmmmmmmmmm....deviled eggs. I do exactly the same as you with the deviled eggs at parties...unfortunately so do about 3 of my kids...not so inconspicuous eh? LOL!

Oh we'd have a fight...not like deviled eggs? Who on earth could say that? Nobody I'd know!

that's that funny thing about deviled eggs...since they're halved, you can just pop 'em and pop 'em and pop 'em without feeling a bit guilty. whereas if you were popping just the whole egg, you'd be all "oh, 3 is plenty!!"...but deviled eggs are, i guess, the chocotini/appletini of eggs. so good you don't realize how much you're downing, til it's too late.

Well, calling them "pan-seared" makes them sound better, but still, no thank you. I'm one of those people. Nice pics tho'!

Gosh - I haven't had deviled eggs for years. Thanks for the inspiration!

Hope you don't mind but I've tagged you at my blog. : )

the green plates! we have those and use them as our main set of dishes (and have since college when they were passed on to my hub). we registered for a set of crate and barrel dishes when we got married but they have chipped and broken at a rate FAR surpassing the awesome green scalloped plates.

I have been lucky enough to sample Lauren's pan seared deviled eggs and can testify to their deliciousness. Sitting toes in the sand beach side while nibbling didn't hurt either. The whole cookbook is filled with such goodies.

Those look really, really good..Stomach-growling kinda good..I'm definitely gonna hafta try them..

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
