Felt Hangover After a Long Walk in the Woods

comments: 166


Good evening. This is a dispatch from the assembly lines of the Posie sweatshop. It has been a while since I have taken photos and written here. How are you guys doing? It’s Andy. I know the clock says that it's late, but it has taken me this long to gather my supplies and get my work environment just right. Enough beer? Check. M&Ms? Check. The right music. Hmm. Important. Better do some research first, as I am likely to be doing this for a while. See where the time goes? It's okay because getting the workspace right is one of the perks of working for your wife, especially if she's already gone to bed with a sigh after hearing you talk about Neil Young in 1974 for the fiftyeth time this week. Better pick up another six pack, now that it is past 11. And now the dog is crying because I'm still awake. Time for you to go to bed, then, too, little little. Okay, I think I'm ready to start.


Can I just say that felt is awesome? I mean seriously. The next time you are holding some felt, look closely at it. It is like a bunch of string all mashed together. And the strings aren’t really even all the same color. How do they do that? This light brown that I am cutting here isn’t a light brown at all. I’d maybe call it a Grand-Dad’s-Camelhair-Coat. One of the pieces of felt had what looked like a pen mark on it. As I looked closer, it was a black thread, and I could just pull it right out. Neat!! How did you get in there, little guy?

And have you ever had to iron felt?



I’ve got one word for it.



Look at this! All my measuring so as not to waste a millimeter of felt and then what. The hidden three inches. And then it takes another 30 minutes to take this picture. I mean, what color M&Ms should I "spill" onto the felt. Red and green for christmas, yea, but this scene has a sort of fall look to it, and it is October. Maybe one red and two greens, in the background. And where is the tape measure? The transparent ruler isn't Andy enough. Wouldn't want you guys to think that Alicia took this photo. This is taking forever!  Luckily, we've budgeted for this time. Whoop. The beer is gone. Time for bed.


Coffee. The Blessed Sap. Wait, did I really wake Alicia up last night to talk about Neil Young when I went to bed? Woops. She: "Did you finish the brown?" Me: "It is really more of a 'Haystack'." She (rolling over): "..."

Rotary cutters are cool. I wonder if we’ll make pizza tonight?

The Smith kids (nephew and niece) are coming over for a sleepover tonight, so I’ll bet we do.

I hope we either watch The Black Stallion or Wall E...

This felt is making me goofy.

What’s that?

Oh, so she can put her own leash on now. This is new. Genius!!! But puppy, I have to cut this felt.

Oh, puppy. Okay.



So that’s what we’re up to today. Alicia says hi!!

But wait... That was Friday morning and now it's Monday morning. I'm still here and have another dispatch ready. So the kids did come over. Surf's Up was what we wound up watching. Awesome movie! It really felt like a real documentary. I love how every once in a while you could hear the cameramen talking to the characters.




Woo! Matchbox cars. I know, right? A different view of the sleepover. There were crafts, cooking, and pumpkin-carving, too, of  course.


Fun times! Love those guys, but these ornament kits won't make themselves! Where's my felt, now...


Ah, yes. Yea, it was dark when I started "setting up my work station". Table set up on paint cans for the proper height. Check. Football shirt. Check. Football water bottle. Check. Football rally towel. Check. Felt. Of course. Beer? No more beer for a while, thanks. Coffee. Check. And, Mom, if you read this, make sure Dad knows that the only reason my table and I am wearing Seahawks stuff is because the Bears have a bye-week. What could possibly slow me down now?




Now that was entertaining!

You rock, Andy.

Oh, my gosh. YOU ARE AWESOME!

Yes, you take the cake. It looked like you had an awesome time...and thanks for sharing... :)

Cute post! I'm going to have to tell my husband, he's going to have to put some hours in the sweatshop as well :)

That was so much fun! Thank you!

My hubby would say making sure there is enough beer is the MOST important thing to any task!!

My gosh how many orders did you guys get?? Yikes, I got notified you made a shipping label for mine so.... Yippee!!

I think I have a purely innocent crush on your husband, Alicia. (After my husband, of course). Maybe it's better phrased as I'm glad you got such a good one!

Just saying: Clover Meadow is the cutest dog on the planet...
The rest of the post was hilarious, but she steals the show.

You're a keeper! Not that we didn't already know that if we have been reading this blog for any length of time but you should know again, you're a keeper!

How inspiring, both to look at and to read!

You're the man Andy

"satisfying" lolololol,that was great.

There should be some sort of a statue of you some place (made out of felt of course) where men can come and your posts on this blog and learn. Oh yes, they should learn.

Sharon Stanley says: October 12, 2009 at 12:35 PM

Questions to ponder: 1. Do you hire out? 2. Can you milk/feed cows if beer is provided? 3. Do you do the east coast? 4. How do feel about gathering eggs?(we could cook them for you afterward) and finally 5.What are your thoughts on cutting ribbon and quilt fabric? Great post/great worker!

You guys are just too awesome! I love this synopsis of the weekend and ornament assembly process from Andy's perspective!

And I thought my husband was the only one willing to help me with girly crafty things! You rock!

I'm sorry... would it be inappropriate for me to say that I love your husband?

Mr. Posie and Puppy Posie for the win!!!!!

This so completely made my Monday afternoon! Yay Andy. You and Alicia (and Clover M) are awesome :)

most fun and funny rambling post ever! love the "spilling" of the m&m's in the correct fall colors.

Laura Zamore says: October 12, 2009 at 12:53 PM


that was awesome...

mlle paradis says: October 12, 2009 at 01:21 PM

you guys are my favorite cute family. perfect hubby, perfect dog, the house looks pretty cute behind the "goal post" and arent' there some cats in there too? thanks for sharing!

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
