My Supervisor

comments: 91


My supervisor watches me very closely. She has no concept of personal space.


I kissed her nose (I routinely kiss my supervisor) and gave her her own nameplate for her desk and still her expression of plaintive skepticism did not change.


It's like she is bored at work or something.


It's like she thinks that hundreds of rows of half-double crochet are boring or something!!!


Oh hold it — did someone do something somewhere? Anyone? Something? Somewhere?


No [returns to contemplating her underemployment, or at least a nice walk around the block please Ms. Paulson.]


Hi! My blog is awarding you!
"Dog Lover Blog | 2009"

Lovely good morning story! Thank you! I needed that! :)

LOL...You have such a way with words.

I've missed reading you for the last several months---busy with life, you understand. Finally had a morning to take a sweet trip down posie lane. Glad to see you're still here!

I wish I had such a cute supervisor! Mind you I'd probably end up watching her all the time and not getting any work done.

Nerys x

Don't you just love that face? BTW, what are you crocheting? It looks lovely.

you made me giggle:)

ooo what a cute nameplate for such a cute doggie!!

Your countryside is so beautiful, it almost makes me want to move away from the beach. Almost. The ocean calls me, sometimes softly and sometimes with the force of hurricanes, but it's always there. How different are the two sides of the country from sandbridge, Virginia to Oregon. I enjoy seeing it through your eyes. Thank you.

Adorable. Warmed my heart. My supervisor is usually glued'to my left hip while I'm doing meaningless'
handsewing. Said supervisor has been known to walk across my laptop to check my work. My supervisors name is Elvis so you know he demands respect. (he thinks my lift chair is his...shhhh)

Your supervisor is adorable! Your crochet is kinda okay, too.

thnx so much for visiting my blog - your sweet words meant a lot to me :) xo sharon

hihi! maybe she knows what´s best for you. or she hoped for over a week now that you would make her a doggie muffin?

I'd take her on that walk before your performance review (a treat or two wouldn't hurt either!). Have a wonderful day. Did you ever tell us what you're making?

Heehee sooooo cute! And those eyes! My two little furry supervisors don't tend to hang around quite so long, unfortunately!

Hehe I wish all supervisors were that cute and kissable! He just wonders why you're spending so much time on that cute crochet and not loving on him!

I can't wait to see what you're crocheting! Love the colours. What type of yarns are you using? Cornel

seriously the cutest supervisor ever! ;) also, I totally LOVE the colors of that crochet project!

Don't you just love those corgi eyes? They can make you feel loved and guilty at the same time!(at least that's the way my corgi makes me feel)

Aren't you worried about your employee appraisal? If I were you, I'd be listening to my supervisor a bit more! She seems a bit disappointed in your work ethic...

Just saying...

I love when you post pics of your puppy, she's so pretty and makes me smile.

My "supervisor" likes to sleep with me. If I'm lucky I get 1/8 of the bed!

Normally I hate bosses hanging over my shoulder, watching me work, but Miss CM gets a kiss on the schnoz from me too. :)

Happy day on the couch with the poochers!

I love that Corgi face. We also used to have a Cardigan Welsh, wonderful dogs, so loving, and ever watchful.

So sweet! Thank you for sharing your supervisor on the job...doing great work! lol Have a wonderful day!!


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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at
