The downstairs bathroom:
It looks amazingly similar to the state of my in-box. And my brain. Weird how that works.
Thank you for all of your nice comments about the upstairs bathroom! It was so much fun to finally share it. I am scaring Andy now. Because now I want to re-do the kitchen cabinets. Like these:
These cabinets are from the Maidstone collection from Martha Stewart's new line of kitchen cabinets at Home Depot. I can't get either MS or HD's web sites to work and they both keep freezing my computer or telling me that "maidstone" can't be found, but I know that's what these are called because I have the catalog.
I also intend to put up (I mean "have someone put up") paneling with peg rails like this:
pretty much everywhere in the house. Well, in the bedroom. And the hallway. And the other hallway. And the kitchen. Just those places. And the paneling will end below the peg rail. Or maybe a little shelfy thing. I'm not sure yet, since as mentioned my brain is still like this:
But I do promise to try and answer my emails and also get the ornament pattern PDFs up in the next couple of days — I'm sorry I haven't done that yet. But it is on my list this week so I will collect myself and make it happen and get back on a more normal schedule. Thank you!!!
oh my...just one little bathroom redo? We are doing a whole house!! lol
I love that beadboard and pegs..I hope to have them up in my sewing room and maybe the bedroom...or guestroom...thanks for the idea..
Dangling things everywhere, yes that is a great idea! There is always something laying around that should be hung up... somewhere. :-)
I do love beadboard...but I can't live without a dishwasher even though mine is broken now....your wish list looks impressive though, Alicia.
Oooh! When I saw the kitchen cabinet photo and the peg rail photo, I almost just licked my computer screen. Almost. Does that mean I've been watching too much HGTV?
Have you seen the show Sarah's House? In Season 3 she remodeled a farm house. My husband and I just about flipped when we saw what she did with the Entry & Mudroom. I think you might love it, too.
When the remodel is done, isn't it satisfying to look back at "before" and "in between" pictures? I love doing that. When it's done.
I LOVE that apron sink in the cabinets, too--such a lovely combination. I'm already excited to see what you do w/ the kitchen. Poor Andy, huh? :D
Also--can't wait to get started on the ornament kit! Surprise for my husband this year!
Ooo, I LOVE that peg rail thing! I have panelling in two of my rooms (the lovely brown, dark panelling -- but we've got it painted white in one room and plan to paint the other pale green) so I'm halfway to this look! What a fun thought!
I can't wait to see your bathroom finished. It'll be inspiration for my pepto-bismol-pink room which needs serious redoing. And I need some inspiration. It'll be a BIG project.
P.S. I've been stitching away on my ornament kits and am having SO much fun! Thanks!!
This MS and HD link might work:
Eh, nevermind googling the Sarah's House entryway. I looked at the photos on the website, and they don't look as good as it did when I saw the episode. Funny how that works.
That peg rail is awesome! We just redid my sewing room, putting in new laminate flooring and painting. Moving all that fabric and sewing stuff. Well, you know what I'm talking about. Today we are getting the only remaining carpet stretched and cleaned. Moving that big TV and that cable jungle behind it....
I love the clean look of the pieces you want to implement, though I wouldn't be able to use any of the dangling items (silly cat).
I just love your new bathroom! I so wish I could re-do ours but I can't justify it. It's in good condition and it would really be a waste of money to do it. I'm basically just sick of the pink Formica counters....
Good luck with bathroom, inbox and brain! The storm before the calm (hopefully!)
Oh! Did you keep the corner-wall-shelvey thingie? It reminds me of my grandmothers house...
We also have a room after the before and before the after with a small fan proping up a window (DUST!)!
I feel for you and your brain, but the upstairs bath looks lovely and you have really great ideas!
I also adore the maidstone MS kitchen...we were going to steal the look for our butlers pantry!
OH Carumbah, now I am getting confused again...I love this MS kitchen--the colors. And I thought I had finally settled on some kitchen (el cheapo) remodel colors from a cottage living mag I just saw. (beige, pale yellow, white). I do love these serene colors this year (not that I know anything about kitchen trends). And so love the bathroom too. And the studio! Oh by the way, thanks for posting Anger Burger as a link. What a hilarious blog (she has a mention of your kits, by the way, which I think are helping her sanity in the midst of house move). Ann
All togther now, "Let's hear it for blue bathtubs!" Are you keeping it? I do have a thing for the 'older' bathtub colors.
Pegs are always a tremendous idea. I completely fall out every time I go to Shaker Village in the Berkshires. I want things tidy and hanging up in their special places, so I have room for all of my "decoration". I can't wait to see the new bathroom!
Peace, Angela
Just try and focus on the "after the aftermath"!
I really love the MS open shelving/farmhouse kitchen look - I say, go for it!
I SOOOOO want those peg rails!
The Martha Stewart cabinets and shelves are gorgeous! oh... makes me want a new kitchen... but I know there are other things we need first (um, another bedroom and some closet space).
Good luck!
Oh my, bathroom remodels are always a huge mess, but so nice when they're done! We had our master bedroom re-modeled a few years ago and it was horrifying to see an empty room with nothing but the tub sitting on a subfloor for weeks. But the end justifies the means in the case of a re-model.
Love the Martha Stewart cabinets. I might have to pop into Home Depot to see them in person.
Oh Alicia...I do love you so! Amanda xxx
It is nice that you do all the research and we can just sit and admire it all. Thanks for that! I am already in love with those MS cupboards.
I HATE HD's website. I can never find anything with their search feature. Good luck with that.
Super excited to see what you make of everything. I now need peg-rails somewhere too. Think my landlord will notice?
HD's website and I have done battle many a time - they also like to never display prices on the things I'm interested in...
Love the cabinets and peg rail and paneling!! Oh Martha is there anything she can't do?
I have a 50's peach (toilet, sink,bathtub, floor, tiled walls) bathroom that is in a similar state. We can't decide what to do...I'll be checking back to see how you handle the blue bathroom.