PATTERN: Liza Sideways Saque by Kristin Rengren from the book Vintage Baby Knits: More Than 40 Heirloom Patterns from the 1920s to the 1950s
SIZE: 18-24 months
YARN: Louet Gems Fingering in Goldilocks and Cream
Another sideways sweater (I guess I like doing sideways sweaters), this one called Lemon Meringue. Started in September and just now finished. You can tell I've been busy when it takes me that long to finish a little thing; generally my attention span doesn't last that long! This one is a bit fiddly, too. Kristin's book is cool — all vintage baby patterns that she's reworked in contemporary yarns. Many lovely things. One day I just got a bee in my bonnet to do this one, which I think is sort of an unusual color and pattern for me. Oh, the exciting life I lead!!! This is the second sweater that I have made in Louet Gems and I must confess I am ready to work with something softer, that has a bit more loft to it. I don't know why this yarn keeps coming into my life. Gems is quite twisted, and though your finished garment winds up being sort of bouncy and chunky, I think I prefer loftier yarns in general.
I added the buttons to this sweater and left out the ribbons at the neck edge and bottom eyelet row. But I think the neck is really wide without the ribbon — I actually pinned it closed in this photo because it was flopping over and I wanted to be able to see how it looked up — so maybe I will have to add the ribbon in and just stitch it in for safety; I don't know. This was my first time doing kitchener stitch, which you use to turn under the hems at the neckline and cuffs (and you're supposed to do it on the bottom edge, too, but I just was ready to be finished at that point so just ended in garter — kitchener takes me forever to do). It is a cool stitch. I watched a video to learn how to do it because the text directions were bewildering me. I wish I knew what video it was, but there are a lot of them out there if you just Google what you're looking for. That's one way that the internet is just so awesome for knitting. I can't even count how many things I've learned from videos of people doing the actual stitches. Seriously helpful!
I am so happy to have some time to knit again now. I have two sweaters on the needles — the Winter City and a vintage one I just started last night. I hope to get back to sewing for baby again very soon, as well. I cleaned up my studio yesterday — it was trashed. But it was all so easy to put to rights for once, since the big re-do, and now it is pretty once again. Just in time for the rain to start falling, which is key. Bring it on, if you must.
What a sweet cardigan! I love Kristin Rengren's book - so many great patterns.
Gosh! What a beautiful little sweater!!!
Oh this is adorable!!! Love the neck and buttons! Great job!
It's a beautiful sweater. I'll have to check out that book as I'm always knitting baby sweaters. I love your color choice.
OMG, you do gorgeous work!
Oh my goodness I wouldn't mind that in my size.
So beautiful! Lucky baby...
Just gorgeous! Makes me almost want to knit one for my youngest! I love the lemony color.
Rain? We just had some here in Chicago this 'morning. Bring out the sun now!
Oh my! It's gorgeous, Alicia! Beautifully done :)
Oh- this is a gorgeous little sweater. So, so sweet.
WOW! That sweater is beautiful ... to me a couple of months seems like a small amount of time to make something like that ..but I have never made a sweater.
Bee-you-tee-full! xoxo
Oh super cute. I'd like to knit some warm scarves but then I'd have to learn how to knit :)
So lovely and perfect.
Goodness, this is beautiful!!
I agree there are some really great tutorials on the web!
The sweater is so beautiful!
Yeah, knitting videos are awesome. Especially if you don't feel like trudging down to the LYS for a 5 minute lesson.
And speaking of knitting videos, I am a self taught knitter and I learned from Debbie Stoller's Stitch and Bitch. I knitted for years until I recently had to learn how to do a W&T. So I started watching W&T videos and discovered that I've been doing the "knit" stitch wrong all these years.
Oh wowowow!
Due to my RSI, I don't do any knitting any more, but this is totally inspiring me to pull the needles back out. It is so yummy and perfect for baby!
Absolutely Adorable!
This is simply delicious! I don't knit, but I love to crochet. Do you happen to know any good patterns for a crocheted toddler sweater?
That is beautiful. :)
Gorgeous! I keep seeing such beautiful things from this book, I'm just gonna have to get it.
This is such a striking pattern! It could look almost folklore-ish with the right little skirt. Beautifully done!
This is so cute!! I wish I had a little one to make one for.