Good Shape

comments: 39


I think we're in good shape with the kits. We're about halfway done with assembling everything, and I expect we will get through all of it over the weekend. It's barely controlled kit-chaos here, but somehow it's coming together. I think I'll be back later today to roll out the new ornaments for you, and start taking orders. Eeeeeeeeeeee! Back in a bit! Excited.


oooo so excited. I missed out last year!

Ah, even though I ordered an ornament kit last year I STILL haven't found a spare moment to make up any ornaments! Boo on me, eh? I can't wait to see what you've come up with this year...and I may even add another kit to my collection for that day I actually get a moment to make something for myself! ;)

Your photos - so SHARP - they always grab me.

So excited- I missed out last year!

Just took a peek at the store - the new ornaments are beautiful! Any chance you will be offering a PDF pattern for sale for your "international" readers? Hi from Canada :)

very excited! in need of some handcrafting right now... :)

Oh dear! I am ignorant as far as sewing goes, but nevertheless, I have been reading your blog in the past couple of weeks, I mean all of it from the very beginning,and I have found it so beautiful and inspiring and fun. The only thing is, after I read a couple of weeks worth, I have to run to my kitchen and cook something yummy or else it's hunger and misery...Thank you for it all!!:)

can't wait! my tree needs some new needlework, and I'll be so happy to buy your kit!

I love to see your ornaments, they are always so cute!!

The best *sign of Fall* today... Alicia and Paul's felt ornaments and kits! Feels like a special occasion.

How do you make chaos look so good? Can't wait to see the new kits :)

Yay! We've loved making them the last two years, and hope to get a chance to make this new one. They're so cute and so much fun!

Ooooh! Really?? I can't wait to see the new kits...I'm ready for it!

I am so relieved that you have previous kits available too! Thank you for creating the chaos it takes to make up these kits and get them out during such an exciting and important time of your your lives. Blessings on you and soon-expanding family!

You're excited?!

Am loving that red colored felt in the background!! Can't wait!

I keep refreshing to see if you've posted the kits yet! I am a serious blog reader and by far, your blog makes me the happiest. Thank you for the sweetness you add to the internet.

Lisa in Lincoln says: September 22, 2011 at 11:34 AM


Can't. Wait. Hope I don't miss the kit grand opening (wrings hands nervously).

I can't wait either! Please don't sell out until I get one! My daughter and I love working on these every year.

Will this new kit be available for overseas shipping later? I have made your last three year's kits and was surprised to see no overseas shipping. (also done your daisychain sampler kit and your jane market bag) oh and i have your books too! do i sound like a stalker?!?!

So excited!!! Can't wait to see this years ornaments... each year's collection of ornaments are always adorable and just as necessary to have as the last!!

So excited! Can't wait to see what they look like this year ;)

Yippee! I'm gradually dressing my tree with your ornaments, and this new batch are extra cute. I'm just worried they're not going to be available to the Uk :-(

this isn't about kits (though i do loooove your kits, you know :) but i just wanted to say how very happy i am for you & your adoption process & where it's taken you & where it's going to take you...totally brings tears to my eyes...i know we only met one time (when you taught your ornament class for us on klikatat street) but that's what happens when you read a blog that you really connect to: you feel like you've got a friend, someone who thinks funny & weird stuff just like you do :) thanks for that...

you're so neat & i am full of excitement for you & andy & baby paulson <3 big hugs!

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at
