Warm and Cozy

comments: 64




We got a new table and haven't stopped talking about it. It's a big old oak rectangle. I was wondering if it had been in a school — when we got it home and turned it over we found ancient chewing gum on its underside, so probably. I think it's the table of a lifetime — I've been waiting for the right one forever, and found this one unexpectedly and for a steal. That never happens to me. I finished the cards and worked on a present for my friend and polished the silverware. We talked about how special and beautiful Forest Service cabins are. I read the new issue of Kinfolk. I made this butternut squash risotto. It was the first risotto I've ever made (i.e.: I am lazy), and it was foolproof, and delicious. Very nice last-weekend-before-Christmas. Hope yours has been lovely and peaceful, too.


Such a lovely find - congrats and may you live happily together (though perhaps without the gum)! :-)

The juniper sprig in the shirt pocket absolutely made my day. You dont even know :)

A lovely weekend here as well. Some knitting ~ some reading ~ some wrapping ~ some carol singing. I love this time of year - especially when all of my gift-giving is done!

Everything looks so warm and cozy! And you can't beat oak. Your table is gorgeous, gum and all :)

Ditto on the juniper in the plaid pocket...I would have loved a day that looked and felt exactly like that.

sweet card...our snow went away for a few days, but thankfully returned today. our ski hill had one run open this weekend (after 2 full nights of snow making) happy holidays Alicia and Andy...sending love from Muskoka xo

This weekend has been cold and sunny in Montreal. Great for doing fun things inside with the kids (old Christmas movies, video games), but I also made sure we got out for a couple walks to see the pretty lights. As for me, I'm missing my family, who are mostly far across the country. I spent some time talking with my husband about the pros and cons of moving closer in time for next Christmas. We'll just have to see what the new year brings...

Wishing you and Andy days of merry and bright, not just at Christmas, but all year long!

You know we're going to want to see more of that table!

My first purchased piece of real furniture was our kitchen table. I knew we'd have it forever. Yesterday I sat there all day and made the "Sweet Home" ornaments for my mother-in-law. Not sure why, but the table has been my go to place for stitching this year. Last year it was the sofa. Just for kicks, I timed how long it took me to make each ornament, partly to decide if I still had time to make a set for my parents (the decision is no; made my mom a market bag for her knitting instead).

Still going to make one last bunners ornament this week. That guy is super cute, and, compared to the door (bless that door), quick to whip up. I'm off now to start our "Survivor Party" for the season finale.
Now you're caught up :). Oh, and I really should polish the silver.

All in all, a beautiful day.

Oh, your table sounds divine. I hope you show us a bigger photo of it. Our dining table is so special to me. When I was back in Oklahoma for a visit to family, my sisters and I went out to our grandparents old farm place and were poking around in the house and outbuildings. I rescued the old kitchen queen cabinet from their kitchen and then looked in the window of the old chicken house.. and there were some pretty turned legs under a bunch of debris.. after digging it out it was their old 5 legged oak table. We hauled both back to Oregon and I had them refinished.. I adore this table. We're also having a laid back weekend by the fire. I'm trying a new crochet pattern and playing some FB Scrabble and Words with Friends. :-)
*M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*

I made The Barefoot Contessa's Butternut Squash Risotto for my husband and I, and later from the family I nanny for, all of which devoured it! Such a yummy flavor combo!

We have an old church pew that was similarly decorated underneath.
If only furniture could talk. Dining tables are very special things, the meals and conversations they witness, and the love they contain. Enjoy.

Merry Christmas and wishing you untold happiness for the New Year.

Old school furniture is the best! I want more pics!
Merry Christmas to you guys- pray for snow!

Hi five to you for the new table - we are still using my in-laws teak veneer shocker and I'm 47. Dream table and a bargain - now that's a good week.

The table is a stage for so much that is wonderful and important in life. I'm glad you got the right one! It took me a long time to find the right one for me, and I had to store it for several years, but now it is gathering my friends and family around itself once more.
Merry Christmas to you and Andy and the pets. May 2012 bring you everything you desire.

old oak is the best. i found a 7-foot quarter-sawn oak table. i use it in my workroom, but i am considering moving it to the kitchen. don't you wonder about the life of your table...aside from the gum? (if it doesn't come off, put ice on it.) enjoy it. (the table, not the gum.)

Hopefully the gum was old enough that it was super hard and just popped off! I love polishing silver - it's relaxing to me, and it's so satisfying when it's all done and super shiny.

blessings to you, Alicia.
I've read your recent posts & I've been keeping you and your family in my prayers. Merry Christmas!

I am so happy for you both. What a wonderful table. It has, and will have so many wonderful memories that are truly etched into it's being. Those scratches and messes will hold such love..good days and bad..but you will cherish the table for the steadiness that it will reflect..the two loving people who will make a family, who truly are a family.
Think of the hands that will be linked, think of the food that will nourish, the abundance of good intentions that will pass from person to person. Oh, the goodness and grace all contained in smooth wood with four legs. It's close to a miracle.

When I opened your blog I had to laugh at the cute picture of greens in the shirt pocket. I presume Andy's. It's the same here, don't sit too long or you will be decorated. ;-) You are so lucky to get the gorgeous table! Wheeee!

It's wonderful that you and so many on your blog are savoring their moments just before Christmas. I wish you all good health and happiness. Alicia, I enjoy the time I spend 'with you'...your photography...your writings....remembering such loving childhood memories..even what you're preparing for dinner..ha..but I guess what I want to say to you and Andy is...that the time I spend reading your blog is actually time spent with 'a friend' someone who shares her heart...for good or sad...it has become a friendship. Thankyou for that gift. Merry Christmas!

We're trying to upgrade all our furniture to reclaimed woods. I say upgrade because those pieces of furniture have proven they're superior as they've stood the test of time yet all our modern stuff is ugly, chipping, buckling already. I've always wanted a dining table that was a cross section of an old oak. One specifically that's been blown over during a gale. When I was small we had some very destructive winds where I live in the UK and they wiped out so many old trees and it really disturbed me- mainly because I was amazed at how powerful the wind was but also at how these amazing trees had 'died'. So to repurpose one of them a little and have the opportunity to craft something beautiful from it would be a privilege: Being able to sit at the table looking at the trees age rings and be completely humbled every day. Otherwise I've seen places that make furniture from old bits of wood like doors. That would also appeal to me I think.

I know that lovely tangled feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach when you find something that you have been searching for, a wonderful feeling. I found an Edwardian style oak rocking chair which I have been searching for for about 25 years and finally got on eBay for £10. Oh the joy! May peace and joy be with you both over this season.

Jak x

Congrats on your table. I think I found the bike of a lifetime at Goodwill last week. It is an old Schwinn ladies' 10-speed that was made in Chicago in May of 1976. I have been scouring the second-hand shops around here for her for about three years, off and on. She is at my dad's house right now, and he is going through her and putting new tires on her. Now I just have to wait for spring---you have to be REALLY dedicated to ride a bike in Iowa in December.

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
