My Heartwarmers

comments: 71







"Why is this dog bed so small?" Precious girl.

My Tess Durbeyfield heartwarmer. Have hardly taken it off since I finished it. Making one inspired by this now, in those same colors. Next I'm going to do this one. And just look at what Nadia made. I wonder if I could do that. In sport weight, like she did. She is my knitting hero. Beautiful Nadia.


ohhhh...that got a giggle out of me.
I love your doggie!
And I love that shawl....going to look at the pattern now!

beautiful shawl and perfect puppy! the larkrise shawl has been on my list (love minnie!) for some time-so glad to be reminded of it!

I swear. The eyes the eyes. How could anyone refuse her? Love the heartwarmer. Don't knit. Don't know how. Maybe that should be the next thing I learn after...wait for it...x-stitch. Except, I really know how to cross stitch, it just skeers me.

oh I love it! And just bought that movie recently and watched it with my oldest daughter and thought how much I loved that shawl and now you have made one! I think it would feel like a hug that you don't want to take off. The brown colors in it are really beautiful.

Double love... I am smitten, with both Clover, the rover who is all over, and that beautiful heartwarmer. Aren't they both heartwarmers? I am going to follow the links, and hope there is encouraging evidence that I could make one, but I think what I really need is time to sit beside Clover, getting knitting lessons from you, Alicia.

i think you should knit baby grrrrrl one. and ones for the keeks. maybe angora.

Mimi Sherri says: February 10, 2012 at 09:21 AM

Does Clover ever smile?

A dog of exquisite taste

I so want to make that one. By the way, I think you meant 4 skeins not 14 on your Ravelry link.


Oh, I love Nadia too!

Clover, you schmoo! <3

It looks like it is always so much fun to be owned by Clover Meadow.

my 14 month old daughter is the same way--whatever I'm doing on the floor, she likes to toddle on over and drool all over it. So sweet :) and so cozy! sweet pupp ers.

I can't believe you've mention my knitting in your blog... it's an honor, I'm speechless...

I saw you queued this at Ravelry and was really hoping to see a picture OF YOU IN IT once you were done but I tried to not get my hopes up because, as long as I have been following your blog~ I know, those are very very infrequent. But I would love to see how it hangs, how it ties and what it works with. For example: In Ravelry, everyone is reinacting and thus wearing long skirts? Is that the only look it works with? DO you wear skirts with it or I wonder if it works with pants? Anyway. Might I beg-for a picture of it in use?

pretty pretty please?

With a cherry?

You can't help but smile.


i'm with Rebecca...xo

Bonjour Alicia,
Merci beaucoup for turning us all on to le blog de Nadia. Not only does she have knitting projects (and what lovely photos - the sweater by the horse? I love it!) tres beaux, but I get to brush up on mes six ans que j'ai etudie le francais and I can pretend that I am La Francaise once again!
I am the master of Franglais but would love to brush up on the language for real once again. A future goal, maybe? Let's all move to the the french countryside and eat le pain au chocolat in our stony chateau while we wear our beautiful knits!

BTW, love the wrap you made - it looks cozy and I may need to try one. Your dog photo made me giggle - you could lay a kleenex on the floor and my golden would try to turn it into a bed.

Lastly, please know what an inspiration you are to us strangers in the world - I am knitting and reading and embroidering and trying new recipes that I never would have done if it wasn't for your blog or this crazy blog world! It's fun, mais non?

Laura in Naperville, IL

What a coincidence, I was over at your Ravelry today looking at this. You so inspired me when you first mentioned it that I have been considering making it (and I am NOT an knitter), I wonder if I dare. It looks so beautiful and very snuggly, Miss C obviously thinks so.

Do you think Clover knows she's a star? The center of the universe? :-) What a cutie pie. I did a post on a spinning workshop at the Damascus Fiber Arts School.. have you heard of it? You would love spinning.. imagine making your wonderful things with alpaca you spun yourself? You should try it! And in the next room of this wonderful old building was a knitting group - about 8 or 10 ladies.. their voices were sweet to hear on the other side of the wall while we spun.. I spun berry colors of alpaca and Tussah silk. And one of my blog friends brought her wheel and we spun together having met for the first time. Wouldn't it be fun to have a bloggers get-together to work on our crafts together? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

I want the shawl. I want the doggie, too! I think the color is wonderful and your knitting is so lovely, and I am a big fan of Nadia's knitting as well.

Laurie in Iowa says: February 10, 2012 at 11:39 AM

Corgis have excellent taste!

She is a precious girl! So sweet.

That'll be gorgeous!!

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at
