Just Us Girls

comments: 259














It's just us girls home today. Nice and quiet. I made chicken stew and chicken stock while my mom and sister held the baby. I think those were the first things I've cooked in weeks and weeks. Something about the kitchen reminded me that I hadn't cooked in a while but now I can't remember what it was. I'm trying to put some of my normal activities back into my days, when I can. Cooking (I honestly haven't needed to at all). Reading at night before bed (just finished Fifth Business by Robertson Davies, which was strange, and strangely readable, and for some weird reason I just couldn't put it down). Need to knit something because knitting is like my multi-vitamin. I shouldn't go without it or I become unbalanced. I literally just cannot decide what to make. That has never happened to me before. Maybe this bonnet. It would be cute with a little bound edge and ties in Liberty lawn. I have the book with the pattern somewhere. We'll see if I can actually find it.


Yay, a fashion show!

i just have to wonder how many times a day that sweet little muff changes her clothes! she has the most adorable "style"...like a little doll...i know i changed my BOY'S clothes a lot when they were teeny tiny just because i could and the clothes were so cute!!! i can only imagine what it must be like with a girl. can't wait what you decide to knit...the choices are endless are they not?

Your baby looks like an adorable little hippie. I love that. That's my favorite kind of baby.

What a perfect, "new mommy" sort of day. She is so precious.

OMGoodness, could she be any cuter and those outfits!!!
Oh swoon...
Those little baby feets, too cute.
I know what it is like to find yourself at a loss for what to make when the baby finally is with you all else goes out the window ;)

Blessings are amazing when they come with snorts and snuffles. She's adorable, Alicia,

Oh you and your girls....so sweet. Your blog never disappoints, Alicia.

It's been a lot of fun to see more of your color sense and how you make it work in your home and in dressing up Amelia. You have a unique voice in that way and I really love seeing it.

Oh my goodness...the picture with the crossed legs and boots! She is precious and so is her wardrobe.

those booties are too much! seems like a perfect girls day. congratulations again :)


so happy to find new pictures today! She looks like a very happy baby ;) The little hat with the flower by the ear is just adorable. Enjoy~~~~~

I just love seeing your photos. They're beautiful! You're so good at capturing the beauty of life. Your photos warm the heart. :-)

Amelia starts a wave (picture #2) and the crowd loves it!
Amelia shows a fist pump: Girl Power!
She's changed, already... oh, dear. How does this happen?
She looks full of health and vigor, like loved babies do. It's wonderful.

Jenni Anaya says: November 05, 2012 at 04:24 PM


i love that bonnet. i knit it for my daughter, and she wore it all last winter. it might just be one of the most commented on knits i've ever made. babies look so sweet in that hat. amelia is so sweet, thanks for sharing her with us.

i heart robertson davies.

Oh my goodness, tell us about the booties!

Today I read, "When the midbrain is engaged by the repetitive movement involved in many crafts, the temporal lobe is unable to focus on worry or stress, " says psychologist Robert Maurer [11/2012 Martha Stewart Living p. 180] My youngest daughter is getting married this Sat. and I am knitting a garter stitch blanket with lovely soft merino yarn whenever I can snatch a moment this week :) Happy stitching and continued joy to you and yours, Alicia! xx from Gracie

Esther Sunday says: November 05, 2012 at 04:35 PM

Little girlfriend has got some hair! Lovely whittle thing...

What a lovely baby! This is my first visit here, saw the link when I ordered your wonderful winter woods kit. I have a feeling I will be back:). And you are very right- keeping up with your favorite things is key when you've got kids-even when it isn't easy.

How about the Baby Surprise Jacket? Elizabeth Zimmerman's baby jacket. Then little Amelia will have a warm sweater and you have fun knitting what looks like a wad and magically turns into a jacket!

These are the sweetest pictures. I love her little outfits and boots.

Tanya Pedroni says: November 05, 2012 at 04:46 PM

Amelia is just adorable..............love all her clothes! I think the bonnet is adorable - absolutely a good idea!

I love all her little outfits. She wears them well. This is a cute, cute hat,on Ravelry, and it has a kind of fun construction:


Love all the photos. I also love that you refer to knitting as a multivitamin. I am definitely going to steal that reference.

What fun . . . playing dress up! I am so happy for you!

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
