Haystack Rock

comments: 91
















































It's only an hour or so away, but it feels like a million miles. What you don't get from pictures is the smell of the ocean and the sound — the incredible volume! — of the waves. It's loud. It feels like the edge of the world. The air is always moving. Everyone is there, and everyone is so happy. The sound of children all around, and the waves, and the birds. We arrive at low tide, and walk all the way to the rock. Amelia screams and points when she sees kites. She draws a face and carries shells. She runs and runs and runs, a little tiny run, only inches per stride, around and around. Carrying buckets and dodging waves. The water flashing silver under gray skies. Fish and chips and a caramel apple. Flowers along every fence and saltwater taffy. Home by sunset, with a sleeper in the backseat and Ryan Adams on the radio. These loves. You forget how extraordinary the ordinary can be. I absolutely love Cannon Beach.

Her first time. Second time. Those were from last summer with Amelia and Andy. This one is from my trip with the girls last September. Awesome place. I want to go back again.

***Yep, that's my Ramona cardigan! And her swimming costume (as we call it) is from J. Crew.


Laura in Sacto says: July 14, 2015 at 09:43 AM

Your daughter is such a nature girl. I love how you capture the sure pureness of her joy!

Love those arabesques!

Love the beautiful mama & girl pic! Also love the beautiful atmospheric scenery... I still love watching The Goonies for that.

Always lovely to see you, Alicia, and in such a beautiful pose! Thanks for brightening my day, even in San Diego!

You have to love the ocean. I took my little one knee deep into the water for the first time this weekend. Looking for shells, pointing out seagull footprints. It was a wonderful time.

I love the stories your photos tell. I can feel the love you have for your daughter and husband by your photos. It makes my eyes well up, because I feel the same soft pride, overwhelming love, and absolute delight for my daughter. Thank you for sharing!

Beautiful photos ! Amelia is growing up so fast ! Funny I was just looking at my neighbors photos of Cannon Beach . She just visited . It's a long way from Kansas to there ! How lucky you are only an hour away ! Someday I will visit your beautiful state ! I liked seeing that silly pose of you and Amelia ! What fun!

Beautiful! And... can you tell me where you got her swimsuit, and does it come in my size??

Beautiful..the beach and all of you!
Her little painted toes:)

Just lovely. Especially those sandy little toes. Do you know A.A. Milne's Sand Between the Toes? My mum recited this to me when I was little after a day at the beach and I read it to my kids: http://allpoetry.com/Sand-Between-The-Toes

Oh lovely day...and lovely mama and baby, and of course papa too. I'm wondering if that's your Ramona cardigan that you are wearing...I love it. That will definitely go on my project list...Happy sandy beach days...

I burst out crying when I saw you two girls together! Such an unexpected and confusing response. (now laughing!) I think it's just that we get to see you so little and yet we as readers feel connected to you. :)....It's a wonderfully fun shot.

May I give you a hug?? I cannot tell you how many times I've been struggling through a day when your posts give me that much needed lift! Joy upon joy over the years! Thank you!!!

Your Ramona turned out great! Mine still needs sleeves, but you have given me motivation. Looks like a great place to hang out.

Troy Louise says: July 14, 2015 at 11:47 AM

So fun! Cannon Beach will forever remind me of my Dad. Love the pic of her in the bucket! Thanks & have a wonderful week.

Gorgeous photos as ever and so great to see you in one. The sweater turned out perfectly. It looks great! Cannon beach is our favourite too ever since we saw the Goonies years ago. We have made the long journey from Vancouver or Powell River more times than I can remember. It is really a special place. We will head back there in August after a visit with friends in Portland first. It would be amazing to run into you. Thanks again for sharing. xxJen

Oh, but I do! I do get it.
And even before your words described the scene at the beach, I was thinking:
"Posie Gets Cozy? Yes, the blog where the photographs are so intimate, so thoughtfully composed, one feels the mood, hears the sounds, senses the emotions, and pleasures. The blog where Alicia brings the reader along, to places and moments, where we can smell what's baking, and the sea air, feel the summer sun, touch the sand, the quilts." Thank you, Alicia... a day at the beach was just what I needed.

pure magic.
xoxo, i

Such a happy sweet girl!! Amazing photos from your mini getaway.

Another post with pictures that speak a thousand words before I read a word. Your little one is so precious, make the most of each minute, it will pass all too soon. x

Susan Henkel (Tsawwassen, BC) says: July 14, 2015 at 02:00 PM

Too many wonderful pictures to mention them all! But Andy's hand and Amelia's sandy foot ... priceless. Always nice to see you, too, Alicia. As always ... thanks for sharing :).

Thank you for sharing! My most favorite blog ever.

Your little sunshine girl!!! And you, so lovely. So good to see your smiling face. Keep passing the camera off! I've been really pushing myself to do that this past year.

Such gorgeous photos! How I would love to go there someday. So good to see a photo of YOU for a change, too!

Sooooooooooooooo nice to see Amelia's mama in the photo too! I noticed a little brush burn on her knee. Funny how those are mostly acquired at a young age and the youthful skin heals so well. I feel at peace just looking at the photos. Thanks for sharing your trip, as always, with us. They make me want to get sand between my toes (and I live in Florida, which is pretty much all sand)... :-D

How cute are you guys doing yoga poses?! We haven't made it out to Cannon Beach yet this year, but we do love it there. We've never made it over to Haystack Rock, though, we usually stay further down the beach where it is a little quieter.

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
