Already: Five

comments: 71















































Glory be, what a party! Parties, plural. Amelia is a partier. The girl's got game. And stamina! Party stamina. It was a blast. A friend-party and then, this past weekend, a family party. Andy's parents flew in from Chicago last Thursday. It's so special to have them here with us, and then to have everyone — Andy's parents, Amelia's birthparents and siblings and grandparents, and my family, including a surprise visit home from our niece Arden (now away at college!) — here together in one place is just magical. I really have no words to describe it. I just love this group so much, and feel so lucky and so incredibly blessed to be part of this family. Amelia is like the sun. She talks into a megaphone: "ATTENTION, EVERYONE. I JUST GOT. ANOTHER CARD. IT'S GOT A DOG IN A CAR ON IT. " Her brother: "It's a bus." Amelia: "IT'S GOT A DOG IN A . . . TRICKY BUS." Oh, my dear, sweet love. "ATTENTION, EVERYONE! SIERRA CAN'T FIND HER BALLOON!!!" Everyone: What color is it? Where did you last have it? I'll help you look for it! There is so much laughter, and so much loving. There were so many pictures I didn't get to take, and so many moments I want to remember.

Because just like that, she is five.

Andy's mom and dad ("Grandma and Pops") leave tomorrow. I'll be sad to have the celebration close. Amelia's at school this morning, for a little bit of normalcy in an unusual week. We got a huge box of apples from a neighbor-boy of ours who was selling them for Boy Scouts. I have subscribed to the New York Times cooking app in hopes of kick-starting my flagging cooking mojo. I spent the morning looking at apple recipes and hope to try out at least a few with the thirty apples now sitting in the kitchen. Autumn is here in earnest. Flowers in the garden bleach out from the sun then sog under the weight of sudden, gumball-sized hail, then sun again, and then a huge rainbow goes right through the tree across the street. Clouds whirl, lightning flares, and then sun again through flashing trees. Cold nights, the smell of woodsmoke in the air. Pumpkins on the porch, and Halloween ahead. I'm making a cat costume next. Our girl is five and she picks these things for herself now. I couldn't be more proud of her. I love her and all of it so much.


Stefanie P. says: October 16, 2017 at 12:44 PM

Every year I look forward to the glimpse you allow us into Amelia's birthday party(ies)!...There is such a sense of family and festivities!...She is one BLESSED little girl...well loved, nurtured, and celebrated!...HAPPY CHILDHOOD Amelia!!!

Oh, I love it! What a fabulous celebration! As for Amelia picking things, as much as I adore seeing her in one of those beautiful, flowery, feminine outfits, a part of me is desperate for her goth phase--because you know it's coming! ;-D

Happy happy birthday wishes, dear Amelia! Beautiful photos all, so much love in this celebration!

Happy birthday! Five is huge! Thank you for sharing the celebrations with us -- it is heartwarming and endearing and wonderful!

She looks so old in some of those photos, I can't believe it! Where does the time go.

LauraInSacto says: October 16, 2017 at 02:29 PM

Well goodness gracious! Happy 5 to you Amelia. You have grown up so much since I started reading this blog...well you were not born yet when I started reading your Mom's blog. Happy Happy 5 to you sweet girl. Alicia, the cake and topper take my breath away. You are so talented!!!

KristenfromMA says: October 16, 2017 at 02:42 PM

Five! She's not a baby, anymore. Belated Happy B-day, Amelia! :)

Happy birthday to Amelia! I love the picture of you two! I miss those PNW autumns so much. Thank you for the beautiful description of it.

Happy Birthday to sweet Amelia!! Five is such a special age! Thanks for sharing your lovely celebrations with us. Everything looks beautiful and her dress is adorable! I especially love the dining room picture with everyone around the table. It looks magical!

The pictures make me so nostalgic for my girls' parties. They were fun and tiring, just as you said. The food table looks amazing. Enjoy every moment. I remember one time you said you can't make a good chocolate chip cookie and if you are looking for new baking recipes, try Sarah Kieffer's rippled cookies, they are delicious! Thank you for the picture with you and Amelia, it's nice to see you both!

HBD Amelia! As a blog reader from the pre-Amelia days, I can't believe it's 5 years. It feels like I'm going to wake up tomorrow and see high school graduation pics! Watching your beautiful family through the internets has been a total joy. Wishing you all much joy still to come!

Happy, Happy Birthday, Amelia! We, too, believe in multiple parties to celebrate each and every birthday! All those apples! You have your work cut out for you! We love making apple butter in the crock pot and then spicing it with cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Heavens, I love fall and fall food!

So wonderful. The mother-daughter hug was my favorite. Your pictures always trigger my own happy memories.

Thank you for letting us enjoy your celebration, Alicia, and Andy, and Happy 5th Birthday, Mimi :) Life is precious, and so often beautiful... with hail and lightning and thunder a wild applause... and a cause for encourage us to recognize and remember...and treasure and nurture... joy... as you do so beautifully in this post. xx

Happy Birthday Amelia! You look so happy- may you always be so.

And still as cute as ever!!! :) xx

What a lovely post. Alicia, you have created magical moments for everyone to enjoy. Thank you!

How wonderful to be born in a World where there are Octobers.
Love Amelia's retro 80s dress and all that delicious food. Happy Birthday sweet, sweet baby girl. x

Mary Meyers says: October 16, 2017 at 07:52 PM

FIVE! I go back to October 2012 and look at her newborn pictures. I remember when she arrived! FIVE! What a blessed life! Happy birthday to Amelia Beatrix Jolene!

So so beautiful!!! I love each picture! so pretty and magical! 5 is a wonderful age! I am so very glad for all of the people who made her celebrations wonderful! so much to remember and cherish!!! May God bless this beautiful newly 5 with all grace, protection and love!

Oh, these photos are all gorgeous but the one of you two together is so precious. What a fabulous birthday.

PS: I just re-discovered the pink and white sock corgi I got from you so long ago, at that lovely little craft fair in someone's charming house. How does time pass so quickly??

I very much enjoyed each and every image of autumn and Mimi and the family and the kids having fun.. goodness what a delicious looking spread you had! What kind of cake was it? Love the pink frosting and pink cake stand. I have a jadeite one like it. I showed Dayle the photos and he goes.. "5? Can it be 5 years already?". We've enjoyed each and every post of it all. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

You are blessed. I have followed your journey with Amelia with great delight from the UK. On the basis of your blog we came to Oregon for one of those icky birthdays that need to be marked. We followed the places you mentioned in the blog in Portland Sugar and Salt and Straw, Voodoo donuts, the Rose Garden, the zoo, the scenic museum, the markets. We then took tips form your blog and ventured into Oregon, Multnomah falls and lots of the other ones, Timberline (wow we loved that), Old Salmon Trail and Cannon beach for the sandcastle competition (self nominated international judge) to mention a few. My husband somewhat of a cynic enjoys hearing "What Amelia did next". We love the view of Mt Hood capped with snow. You are a family in the very best sense of the word.

What a great party and an unique lovely picture of you with Amalia,
With love Manon

I always love your birthday posts so much, what a sweet celebration you offer her! She's really marvelous!

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at
